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Entradas recientes
- Some curiosities and anecdotes of the most famous films of the cinemaCuriosidades y anécdotas de las películas más famosas del cine
- Signos utilizados por el ajustador-adaptador de doblaje (sólo en España)
- Types of voice for radio advertisingTipos de voz para uso publicitario radiofónico
- Radio ContinuityLa continuidad radiofónica
Archivo mensual: septiembre 2013
Radio ContinuityLa continuidad radiofónica
Continuity is a type of radio advertising that deserves a special mention as it is advertised by the broadcaster itself. It is used to unify the broadcast, avoiding abrupt jumps from one program to another and also to mark the … Sigue leyendo
Publicado en [:en]Voiceover[:es]Locución
Etiquetado continuidad, doblaje, locución, movies, radio, voice, voice over, voiceover
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AudiodescriptionLa Audiodescripción
Not many years ago that have come back into fashion films in 3D, but let´s face it, this is nothing new , these are trendy things that have reason to be to deal with other advances in the field of … Sigue leyendo
Publicado en [:en]Voiceover[:es]Locución
Etiquetado audio, audiodescription, cine, cinema, films, películas, voice, voiceover
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