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Entradas recientes
- Some curiosities and anecdotes of the most famous films of the cinemaCuriosidades y anécdotas de las películas más famosas del cine
- Signos utilizados por el ajustador-adaptador de doblaje (sólo en España)
- Types of voice for radio advertisingTipos de voz para uso publicitario radiofónico
- Radio ContinuityLa continuidad radiofónica
Archivo del Autor: admin
From the very first moment that you want to work online as a voiceover artist, many doubts come up to your mind; obviously most of them are about technical issues: what kind of micro should I use, sound card, computer software and so much m…
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Etiquetado doblaje, locución, voice, voice over, voiceover, voz
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Some curiosities and anecdotes of the most famous films of the cinemaCuriosidades y anécdotas de las películas más famosas del cine
Did you know…? …the actor actor who wore the Alien costume was a Maasai warrior? His name was Bolaji Badejo. He was a member of this African tribe who went to London to study graphic design. But his destiny was … Sigue leyendo
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Etiquetado cine, cinema, doblaje, films, películas, voice, voice over, voiceover
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Signos utilizados por el ajustador-adaptador de doblaje (sólo en España)
Cuando se trata de adaptar diálogos, aparte de adaptar palabras y frases al movimiento de los labios de los personajes, el ajustador incluye una serie de signos en el guión destinados a facilitar la labor del actor de doblaje. Estos … Sigue leyendo
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Etiquetado ajustador, cine, doblaje, locución, signos, voiceover
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Types of voice for radio advertisingTipos de voz para uso publicitario radiofónico
-Speaker: He is who informs or read an advertising text. It represents the voice of the advertiser and deals with reading slogans identifying the product. For not locutionary radio spots they act as a «guide vocal» commenting the sound images … Sigue leyendo
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Etiquetado ad, advertisement, anuncio, locución, radio, voice, voice over, voiceover, voz
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Radio ContinuityLa continuidad radiofónica
Continuity is a type of radio advertising that deserves a special mention as it is advertised by the broadcaster itself. It is used to unify the broadcast, avoiding abrupt jumps from one program to another and also to mark the … Sigue leyendo
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Etiquetado continuidad, doblaje, locución, movies, radio, voice, voice over, voiceover
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AudiodescriptionLa Audiodescripción
Not many years ago that have come back into fashion films in 3D, but let´s face it, this is nothing new , these are trendy things that have reason to be to deal with other advances in the field of … Sigue leyendo
Publicado en [:en]Voiceover[:es]Locución
Etiquetado audio, audiodescription, cine, cinema, films, películas, voice, voiceover
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Titles in filmsLos Títulos de las películas
This article is only available in the Spanish version I apologize for any inconveniences this may have caused.La fase de traducción y adaptación de una obra audiovisual a un idioma diferente es una de las partes más complejas de todo … Sigue leyendo
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Etiquetado cine, cinema, films, películas, voice, voiceover
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Some useful tips for voiceoversAlgunos consejos útiles para los que trabajan con la voz
If your work tool is the voice, for instance if you are a voiceover, you should keep in mind that thanks to it you will generate incomes at the end of the month. If you do not take care of … Sigue leyendo
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Etiquetado consejos, locución, tips, voice, voice over, voiceover
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Dubbing in silent moviesEl “doblaje” del cine mudo
I have written in previous posts some interesting news about the origin of dubbing in Spain. Now I would like to go back a little further in time (until the late nineteenth century, early twentieth century) to highlight some peculiar … Sigue leyendo
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Etiquetado cine, doblaje, films, movies, silent, voice, voiceover
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Some notes about the origin of dubbing in SpainBreves apuntes sobre el origen del doblaje en España
Dubbing is a post-production process used in filmmaking and video production, in which dialogue occurs subsequent to the original recording stage. The term refers to the substitution of the voices of the actors shown on the screen by another performers … Sigue leyendo
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Etiquetado blog, cine, cinema, doblaje, films, locución, películas, voice, voice over, voiceover
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Nintendo’s PhilosophyLa filosofía de Nintendo
It has been a long time since the gaming industry was an old gold mine, as it used to be. With the crisis, many companies have had to make massive layoffs or even close their doors permanently, though. Sega, Sonic´s … Sigue leyendo
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Etiquetado blog, locución, nintendo, videogames, videojuegos, voice over, voiceover
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Reality is not a binary systemLa realidad no es un sistema binario
One of the most relevant features of science fiction is the introduction of developed technologies, which were impossible to set up in the time when certain films and novels of this genre were published. Nevertheless time has gone by, and … Sigue leyendo
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Etiquetado blog, locución, voice over, voiceover
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Hello world!¡Hola mundo!
Welcome to my new website! Let me introduce myself, my name is Manuel Señer and I work in the exciting field of online broadcasting and voiceover, but if you want to know me a little better I invite you to … Sigue leyendo
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Etiquetado blog, locución, voice over, voiceover
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